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Graphical and technical implementation has been realised by Josef Buchriegler.
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The content of this homepage, is protected by copyright. Without permission of the author no parts of the content shall be used, duplicated, copied and/or published and respectively saved in an electronic data system. All information or data, their usage as well as any possible act connected to the material of this homepage is subject to Austrian law, with the exclusion of internation law.
At HTML-programming of this website, we tried to adhere to the standards of the W3C-consortium. The graphical design was predominantly done using CSS elements, which could be poorly displayed by older browsers.
The website has been successfully tested using the following browsers: Firefox (Version 2.0 or higher), Internet Explorer (Version 7 or higher), Safari (Version 3.2. or higher), Google Chrome (Version 5.0 or higher), Opera (Version 9.5 or higher) and SeaMonkey (Version 1.0 or higher). In order to display web galleries correctly your browser needs Adobe Flash Player 9. Most popular browers offer downloading of the corresponding pluging if necessesary. For error-free usage of the guestbook you browser has to support JavaSkript. |
© Conception, Screen-Design, Text and Pictures: Markus Meissl |